On 17 July 1980, I received a letter from a man named Tom Chapman, challenging me to a fight, to be determined by standard (California) boxing procedures, saying that “it would not be fun” and “the best illusion is no illusion.” HA! What a joke. I…
MARK: Well, if things that are dead make people feel funny, then what are people going to think if they see things that are definitely dead, but are moving around and look like they're alive? When we first made the little robot for the Night of The…
San Francisco’s locals were grimly amused after experiencing Mark Pauline’s explosive media extravaganza performed at June 26th [sic] at the Cadillac Parking lot on Van Ness […] “Trash and Delete Giant Robots” was the theme of this brilliant…
Based on a series of performances, the five episodes in Songs of the 80's examine themes of displacement, anger and containment. Metaphors for contemporary social and political tensions and the fragility of postmodern culture are realized with…
An Unfortunate Spectacle of Violent Self-Destruction was more intense, and very, very, dangerous. Besides using a lot of different machines, I employed a wide variety of weapons, and the most extreme array of explosives I could think of, or at least…
SRL machine operators ride through flaming tubs of gasoline, detonate bombs attached to their bodies, fire hand-held Flamethowers as a robot fuck machine with an expanding and deflating rubber head mates with a huge black bag in its flaming pen. A…
An electric gyroscope winds up to its maximum rpm, and with its rotor whirring, slowly winds down. A drawing device, made up of a free swinging metal batten attached to a spindle that holds graphite, is spun as fast as it can be made to go. The sound…
A parable of re-animated flesh, highlighted with fires of varying origin. Our most technically advanced show yet. Featuring a wide range of iconoclastic imagery: the huge Billy Graham robot, real robotized mummies, a military-type CO2 laser, a Mobile…