
SiteWorks: San Francisco performance 1969-85
Tricycle - Contemporary Recreation Windows: No. 02 - 543 Columbus Elect Lowell Darling Governor: Last Chance to Influence the Candidate and Get a Campaign Button Past, Present, Future Tense Windows: No. 25 - 965 Howard Street Exhibition: Performance/Art/Artists/Performers Windows: No. 41 - 36 Clement Street Floating Seminar #1 / Art as Theory as Art Windows: No. 14 - 861 Kearny Pretending to be a Gargoyle Windows: No. 17 - 781 Mission Windows: No. 39 - 532 Irving King’s Meditation Actmusikspectakle V, Region I, Looped Marking the Dilemma The Short Order Cook, Act V, Andy’s Donuts Pig Sonata An Exhibition of Performance Machinery Guaranteed to Fulfill Your Most Far-Out Entertainment Fantasies Performance Announcing His Candidacy for Governor Sound Sculpture