
SiteWorks: San Francisco performance 1969-85
Fight: A Practical Romance Media Burn Opening My Hand as Slowly as Possible Windows: No. 53 - 1077 Post Street Coming and Going: BART The Next Governor Lowell Darling: A Fund Raising One thousand Dollar a Plate Dinner Surf Line Windows: No. 32 - 3530 20th St. Which Hunt Sound Sculpture Lying in a Crib for Three Hours Listening to My Mother Talk About Me As An Infant A Sonorous Monologue Listening to the 80s: Inside/Outside Ballerina R-Byte ist wurst den R-B-Art (deep logic, nocturne, apollo jest) Howard Fried A Participation Piece by Willoughby Sharp Opening the Museum of Conceptual Art Installation at his house Mysteries of the Reactionary Mind Tree