
SiteWorks: San Francisco performance 1969-85

Browse Items (17 total)

Deliberately False Statements: A Combination of Tricks and Illusions Guaranteed to Expose Shrewd Manipulations of Fact was a totally irresponsible performance that took place at a parking lot in the South-of-Market area of San Francisco. “The…

Karen Finley demurely entered the performance area, wearing a 60’s beaded evening gown with an empire waist. Clearing her throat, she requested a glass of wine, which she politely accepted and dashed to the floor with a shriek, beginning the…

The performance work of De Cointet (with Mary Ann Duganne, Monica Tenner, and Jane Zingale), involved props and spoken texts. The rehearsed texts are memorized or read, but always acted out in a dramatic fashion, borrowing form the theatre some of…

Acconci presented extensive slide recapitulations of his installation work of this decade, which have not involved his in-person participation. He stated that he felt his presence restricted the nature of his older pieces, and he felt the need to…

Installation steel wires, coffee grounds, drum machine, and red spotlight, dimensions variable […] Steel wire stretches taught at ankle height (tripping device) around 4 posts with a red light projected in the centre, seducing viewers to an…

A truck load of particle boards was cut up during a week in the space and transformed into five habitats for five members of 80 Langton Street to occupy and use as they saw fit throughout the duration of the installation. The artists were: Suzanne…

A multi-dimensional performance environment, it is my model for the unconscious, a triptych of simultaneous events separated by time, a metaphor built into a metaphor and then turned in on itself, predicated on the idea that the present is created…

For six hours a day and for six days, Nina Wise and I played drums in order to change our consciousness by means of sound. (Montano 1981, pages unnumbered)

This piece was a static installation. The room was in general darkness except for lights aimed at several areas in the space. An unidentifiable sound could be heard from the rear of the room. The first illuminated area approached upon entering the…

In The Ballerina and the Bum, 1974, a movie that Antin shot on videotape because it was more affordable than film, our romantic young waif of a heroin is, in Antin’s words, “a would-be ballerina from the sticks, who plans to walk across…
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