My alter ego Allan Fish was one of the nine artists in the show [Sound Art]. Again, as in Richmond, the artist sent instructions for the curator to perform the work. I was announcing all the artists performances as they occurred, and I announced I…
In 1969 I had to have a way of exhibiting because I felt like exhibiting. It was too politically complicated to try to exhibit my work and be a curator at the same time for a combination of reasons which are probably obvious. So I had to exhibit…
In 1969 I had to have a way of exhibiting because I felt like exhibiting. It was too politically complicated to try to exhibit my work and be a curator at the same time for a combination of reasons which are probably obvious. So I had to exhibit…
McCarthy built a 35-foot long, 7-foot high, 10-foot across human form out of chicken wire, covered with clear vinyl. In the performance the artist, dressed in a white diaper-like loincloth, and with his head completely masked, improvised for…
Scene: The painting “Self-portrait as Pigpen” is wedged into an area between two buildings. It is fairly dark. Over the face in the painting is a white handkerchief. On the ground in front of the painting are two brushes, a jar of…
The site for the Location Project will be the south wall of the Paramount Theater as seen from 20th Street. I’ve been checking out the building and find it’s a good one to work with. The projector will be located across the street at…
I performed a chicken dance in nine different outdoor places in San Francisco. The sites were museums, galleries, and the Golden Gate Bridge. The dances were on the third month at noon, three and six o’clock. I wore a blue prom dress, tap…
For a week I stayed at home and sent invitations to friends to visit me. I announced my availability. While at home I documented all thoughts, activities, foods eaten, phone calls. I photographed all visitors. (Montano 1981, pages unnumbered)
For three hours I laid in a baby crib and listened to tapes of my mother talking about me as an infant.It was All Souls Day and our dog Chicken died as I was performing. (Montano 1981, pages unnumbered)
In Death and Birth: A Crib Event [sic], she…