For a couple of years in 1973 and 1974 every Wednesday afternoon there was free beer in MOCA while artists’ video tapes were shown. In ’76 I decided to meet people downstairs in Breen’s Café, and I sent out cards announcing…
On Wednesday, January 3, 1973, the Museum of Conceptual Art opened its doors across the street from its previous space in San Francisco. The new address (75 Third Street) is above the Breen’s Bar where many previous showings by MOCA have…
Breen’s Bar, Salon of MOCA, the site of Marioni’s Café Society, where on Wednesdays from 2-4 p.m. artists would meet and exchange ideas and energy. Beer was free. Marioni’s “concept of Café Society is drunken…
In 1969 I had to have a way of exhibiting because I felt like exhibiting. It was too politically complicated to try to exhibit my work and be a curator at the same time for a combination of reasons which are probably obvious. So I had to exhibit…