The performance lasted five hours. During this period I remained in the central ground floor space while De Cristal wandered throughout the open galleries of the museum, playing his jew’s harp, teaching others to play with them, giving them away, and…
The performance work of De Cointet (with Mary Ann Duganne, Monica Tenner, and Jane Zingale), involved props and spoken texts. The rehearsed texts are memorized or read, but always acted out in a dramatic fashion, borrowing form the theatre some of…
We drove back to San Francisco for an afternoon cocktail party, and looking back after the events that took place, I would say San Francisco seemed empty […] I was standing alone near Farley’s car, the blue 1951 Studebaker of the future, when two…
I arrived at the site early, finding a lone podium on a small mound in the sculpture garden, a mute monument to my apprehension. No marching bands, no placard-bearing youngsters, no old fools in straw hats, no giant pictures of my visage behind the…
Lowell Darling is the first performance artists ever to run for govorner of the state of California. In his honor, a fund-raising $1,000-a-plate-dinner was held at the Museum of Conceptual Art. Using a third hand and a pair of cotton lips, saving his…
The general public and art community were invited to ride the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) from San Francisco’s Civic Centre to the Berkeley Station. The basic structure of the event encompassed the everyday experiences of the BART commuter: buying…
This event was one of a series of site projects curated by Suzanne Foley as part of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s presentation of America, 1976, a bicentennial exhibition. I was looking for a situation in which a social activity (in…
The corridor at Fort Point is a series of rooms receding into other rooms ending in an undefined dark space.
Waiting in the corner of the dark room, I watch your approaching shadow against the light in the video monitor.
As you pass into the room,…
Paradise regain'dParadise lost
Paradise: lightDante's gainMilton's loss
I project my visions through the windowOf the dark room(the camera obscura)
inside - outinside - in
You enter the room- a progression ofstill color images &still ocean…