For three hours, noon to three, on a Wednesday, I walked uphill on a treadmill while telling the story of my life into an amplification system which slightly echoed the sound.
I wore a blue prom dress over my clothes, had dye on my teeth and wore a…
The Life and Times of Donaldina Cameron, a performance piece, grew out of two artists’ desire to deal with this historical controversy. As an art form, performance combines experience and ideas into enticing blends, in this case a narrative…
The installation has four central elements: a wind machine, an immense red flag, a small platform, which, when stood upon, initiates the wind machine, and two channels of video with audio that is distributed among four monitors. When activated by a…
As The Waitress I was a gregarious self and also an archetype. "Waitress" with a bouffant hairdo who wore a black and white nylon dress. As the "Short Order Cook" I also dressed and behaved appropriately. (Burnham and Sherk 1981: 66)
This performance took the form of an oral narrative in which I revealed the truth of certain startling crisis events in my personal life which formed the basis of many wild rumors. Except for the one evening, no record, written or otherwise, of this…
The work was sited along the Golden Gate Promenade located in the Golden Gate Recreation Area near the Coast Guard Station at the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s popular with strollers, joggers, and photographers. Already built into this landscape was…
The Traveling Garage Sale was held on Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2, 1977, in La Mamelle’s garage. In keeping with its dual status as both a real sale and an exemplary work, it was advertised locally, in newspapers and papers, as a…
There would be a central image and theme of a tree. The visitor would walk through or around a variety of images and sequences of threes (sic) and find a set of instructions which direct him/her to a nearby site at the end of the interior tour. When…
Two performers wearing video camera headmounts and equipped with intercoms create two drawings on two gridded walls within a wedge shaped enclosure. Their markings are guided by a female director on the floor above them. She speaks in a code based on…
Color television sets may be dangerous to your health.
On July 25, 1975, Ant Farm (Curtis Schreler, Chip Lord and Doug Michels) accompanied by Dr. Rlin Finston, Senior Health Physicist of Stanford University’s Health Physics Office, made random…