Fried arranged the clothes on the floor and marked the symbols on the wall in a carefully reasoned sequence […] In summing up his description of the work “Allmydirtyblueclothes” Howard Fried also stated:…
The first performance I did as an art performance was at Berkeley in 1969 [sic], for The Eighties show at the old Berkeley Museum. It was the defoliation of jasmine plants […] It was specifically designed for the people that I knew would be there […]…
I wanted to create a space that was conducive to levitation. The first thing I did was to cover the sixty by thirty foot floor with white paper and to tape white paper on the walls. The floor had been dark but it became such a brilliant white that if…
My alter ego Allan Fish was one of the nine artists in the show [Sound Art]. Again, as in Richmond, the artist sent instructions for the curator to perform the work. I was announcing all the artists performances as they occurred, and I announced I…
It consisted of two twenty-five-pound blocks of ice set side by side on the museum floor, and surrounded in a tight circle by eleven state-of-the-art, tremendously sensitive standing boom microphones.
These were fed into an immense amplifier system…
Mel Henderson paced up and down the large loft with a 30-calibre rifle. He took aim and fired a single shot at a film image of a tiger being projected on a paper covered saw-horse. (Anonymous 1970)
Remove the object in art, or so de-objectify it that the passing of money between patron and artist becomes the art. Process becomes art. Patron becomes artist. Artist becomes patron. Banks become museums. [...] 1. Cut out above check. 2. Fill in…
Antin’s second major persona was her idealized female self: the Ballerina – a nameless iconic figure, the mere image of a dancer. In a sequence of photographs the Ballerina assumes the idealized positions of the classical ballet and executes…
The King came first, when I wanted to see what my male self would be like, who he would be. And I realized my bearded self was a king – a dead ringer for Charlie One – and kings must have a country, a kingdom – even if a lost one. He became my…