Antin’s second major persona was her idealized female self: the Ballerina – a nameless iconic figure, the mere image of a dancer. In a sequence of photographs the Ballerina assumes the idealized positions of the classical ballet and executes…
An omni-directional slash in the face at Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev, to which the Consulate General of Red China was invited. (Survival Research Laboratories 2013)
Bill Edmonson: Not long after Machine Sex, you did a piece called Assured…
It took up the whole length of the room. I put my shoes in a pan of asbestos at one end and made there parallel tracks along the floor. The first was running. No, not running. Shuffling and skipping. Dragging, shuffling, and skipping. Shuffling was…
An Unfortunate Spectacle of Violent Self-Destruction was more intense, and very, very, dangerous. Besides using a lot of different machines, I employed a wide variety of weapons, and the most extreme array of explosives I could think of, or at least…
San Francisco Unified School District officials were caught off guard when a Richmond District resident complained that a local Avant-garde show producer showed a pornographic movie at Cabrillo School Saturday night.
Fried arranged the clothes on the floor and marked the symbols on the wall in a carefully reasoned sequence […] In summing up his description of the work “Allmydirtyblueclothes” Howard Fried also stated:…
In 1969 I had to have a way of exhibiting because I felt like exhibiting. It was too politically complicated to try to exhibit my work and be a curator at the same time for a combination of reasons which are probably obvious. So I had to exhibit…