The general public and art community were invited to ride the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) from San Francisco’s Civic Centre to the Berkeley Station. The basic structure of the event encompassed the everyday experiences of the BART commuter: buying…
This event was one of a series of site projects curated by Suzanne Foley as part of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s presentation of America, 1976, a bicentennial exhibition. I was looking for a situation in which a social activity (in…
I performed a chicken dance in nine different outdoor places in San Francisco. The sites were museums, galleries, and the Golden Gate Bridge. The dances were on the third month at noon, three and six o’clock. I wore a blue prom dress, tap…
Lord and Philip Garner perform Chevrolet Training Film: The Remake at La Mamelle, San Francisco, and at Some Serious Business, Los Angeles. The live performance (and subsequent videotape) is a restaging of an actual 1962 sales training film.…
A single invitation was sent out telling the receiver to arrive at the Art Institute at a given time and the guard on duty that night would direct the person to the bottom of the stairwell of the tower. The tower is seven stories high and has steep…
Breen’s Bar, Salon of MOCA, the site of Marioni’s Café Society, where on Wednesdays from 2-4 p.m. artists would meet and exchange ideas and energy. Beer was free. Marioni’s “concept of Café Society is drunken…
I became a Salvation Army bell ringer during the Christmas season. I sent out announcements to friends who visited me. (Montano 1981, pages unnumbered)