
SiteWorks: San Francisco performance 1969-85

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Great Moments by T.R. Uthco […] is their ironic, parodic, at times almost slapstick “revue” of performance art in general, the trademarked moves and strategies of its better-known practitioners in particular. Nearly every major…

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For three days I talked to everyone who went by my garage. I was there from nine am to five pm. (Montano 1981, pages unnumbered)

The second one was Food for Machines done in United Nations Plaza. The machines tore up and mutilated food. All kinds of food. It all got wasted. There was a big mess we didn’t even clean up. I forged permission to do that. (Cazzaza and Emolo 1980:…

This is Floating seminar #2, A Survey of Alternative Art Spaces. First of all I think I’d better define what we mean by “alternative art space,” because we don’t want any confusion (about that). We had a group discussion about…

In order to promote communication in the Bay Area art community and to provide an informal public situation for airing opinions about various issues, I propose to organize a “Floating Seminar” series. The program is designed to supplement the vast…

The performance lasted five hours. During this period I remained in the central ground floor space while De Cristal wandered throughout the open galleries of the museum, playing his jew’s harp, teaching others to play with them, giving them away, and…

A truck load of particle boards was cut up during a week in the space and transformed into five habitats for five members of 80 Langton Street to occupy and use as they saw fit throughout the duration of the installation. The artists were: Suzanne…

I began the evening watching television, smoking and drinking beer. The other artists were preparing their pieces. People were filling the museum and my activity went almost unnoticed. After about an hour I got up and went around the room turning off…

This piece was a static installation. The room was in general darkness except for lights aimed at several areas in the space. An unidentifiable sound could be heard from the rear of the room. The first illuminated area approached upon entering the…

On 17 July 1980, I received a letter from a man named Tom Chapman, challenging me to a fight, to be determined by standard (California) boxing procedures, saying that “it would not be fun” and “the best illusion is no illusion.” HA! What a joke. I…
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