
SiteWorks: San Francisco performance 1969-85

Tony Labat's Studio, location unknown

Tony Labat, Terminal Gym (1980-1981)



Labat became a licensed boxer in the State of California for the period of one year. The project culminated in a debut bout within an evening card of professional boxing. A video P.O.V. (Point of View), documents the project. (Labat 2005: 199)

I turned my studio into a gym, complete with two heavy bags, one speed bag, gloves, headgear, the “works,” even a makeshift ring and a sign on the window that read TERMINAL GYM to make it official. I did 2,500 push ups, 2,500 sit ups, 100 miles of roadworks, 120 rounds on the bags, and sparred a total of 118 rounds (with a middle-weight karate instructor and a heavyweight artist). Working out at the TERMINAL GYM wasn’t easy for an artist who’s not used to hard work, but, PAIN IS GAIN. To be frank, around this time I couldn’t care less whether we fought professional, amateur, or in some dark warehouse at two in the morning, I just wanted to fight him and get it all over with. (Labat 1981: 19)