Eleanor Coppola's private home, San Francisco

Lynn Hershman and Eleanor Coppola, Re: Forming Familiar Environments (16th May 1975)
The piece took place in Eleanor Coppola’s home. Two museums wanted us to do something in her house and we just decided that instead of giving the a tour we would turn the entire house into a game board. So we used the floor plan as a kind of Monopoly, drove people into the rooms in order to find something though at the end there was no real prize. We were in one room and we projected the game’s instructions to the groups who were in the living room. We engaged a union of prostitutes to be in the rooms doing various things, like interacting with the patrons, so you did not know who was real and who was not, who was a prostitute and who was not. This created a blur over the whole population who came that evening. (Hershman Leeson in Giannachi and Kaye 2011: 38)